Παγκόσμια Επιχειρηματικοί Οδηγοί και κατάλογοι Εταιρείας
Αναζήτηση Επιχειρήσεων , την Εταιρεία Βιομηχανίας :

Λίστες Χώρα
ΗΠΑ Κατάλογοι Εταιρεία
Καναδάς Λίστες Επιχειρήσεων
Αυστραλία Κατάλογοι επιχειρήσεων
Γαλλία Λίστες Εταιρεία
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Ισπανία Κατάλογοι Εταιρεία
Ελβετία Λίστες Επιχειρήσεων
Αυστρία Κατάλογοι Εταιρεία
Βέλγιο Επιχειρηματικοί Οδηγοί
Χονγκ Κονγκ Εταιρεία Λίστες
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Ταϊβάν Λίστες Εταιρεία
Ηνωμένα Αραβικά Εμιράτα Κατάλογοι Εταιρεία

Κατάλογοι Βιομηχανίας
ΗΠΑ Κατάλογοι Βιομηχανίας

Κατάλογοι Εταιρεία



Επωνυμία εταιρείας :
Τίτλος Εταιρεία: Jeb Bradley for State Senate 
Περιγραφή της εταιρείας: it was an honor to serve our state in congress from 2003-2006 and to bring new hampshire's common sense values of frugality, limited government, low taxes, personal responsibility, and individual freedom to our nation's capital.i was proud to vote for tax relief, economic growth, spending restraint, border security, environmental protection, affordable health care and preserving the rights of americans guaranteed by our constitution. but my highest priority as a member of congress was to vote to support the men and women who proudly wear the uniform of the united states and our nation's veterans to whom we owe our most precious freedoms.essential to the job of any member of congress is helping individuals resolve problems with the federal government and tackle challenges such as working to keep the portsmouth naval ship yard as an integral part of our nation's defenses. i always felt it was important to listen and learn what is on the minds' of new hampshire citizens which is why i held 128 town hall meetings.i am running again because the new hampshire principle's i worked to represent are eroding in the current congress. democrats have voted for the largest tax increase in history, and voted for tax increases in energy, farm, and health care bills. they have increased government spending, tried to avoid transparency for federal projects (earmarks), and provided taxpayer funded benefits for illegal aliens. democrats have engineered votes to empower labor bosses by ending secret ballots when organizing a union, and most ominously displayed a lack of realism when confronting the threat of terrorism to our nation. i do not share these views and look forward to again representing our live free or die values in washington.thank you very much for visiting my website. there are links for volunteering, making campaign contributions, or providing your thoughts. if you share my views and want our common sense values represented in washington again, please join my team. 
Λέξεις-κλειδιά για την αναζήτηση: jeb bradley, jeb, bradley, jebb, bradly, jeb bradley for state senate, nh, n.h., new hampshire, nh for jeb, state senate, congressional, district, first congressional district, 1st congressional district, jeb for congress, jjebforstatesenate, jebforstatesenate, jebbradleyforstatesenate, jebbradlyforstatesenate, newhampshire for jeb, bradley for congress, bradlyforstatesenate, politics, america, united states, unites states house of represresenatives, house of representatives, us, u.s. house of representatives, veterans for jeb, veterans for bradley, veterans for jeb bradley, congressjeb, congressman jeb bradley, representative, seantor, senator, republican, democrat, democratic, independent, jeb4statesenate, jebbradley4statesenate, bradley4statesenate, jeb 4 statesenate, jeb bradley 4 statesenate, jebbradly4statesenate, jebb4statesenate, nh4jeb, jeb4nh, jjeb for nh, jeb for nh, jeb for nh, jeb4nh, jeb4n.h., patriot, president, primary, presidential, conservative, moderate, liberal, support our troops, second amendment, 2nd amendment, fiscal restraint, fiscal responsibility, live free or die 
Διεύθυνση Εταιρίας : 60 SCHOOL ST,CONCORD,NH,USA 
Τ.Κ. :
Ταχυδρομικός Κώδικας :
Τηλέφωνο : 6012967739 (+1-601-296-7739) 
Αριθμός Φαξ :  
Ιστοσελίδα :
jebforcongress. com 
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Επιχειρηματικοί Οδηγοί , Κατάλογοι Εταιρεία
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